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Inconsequent and Unacceptable

26 de março de 2020

Inconsequent and Unacceptable

We publicly express our indignation at the actions of President Jair Bolsonaro, who continues to defy the reasonable limits of democratic rules and decorum of office even amidst a context of public calamity. We have witnessed dozens of episodes over the past few months that prove his authoritarian inclination and aspiration to rule the country without the Parliament, the justice system, the press and the organized civil society.

In view of the tragic outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Jair Bolsonaro shows his most inconsequential and inhumane aspect by downplaying a disease that has already infected 435,400 people on the six continents and led to the death of 20,000 more by the time we wrote this statement. Instead of honoring the responsibility to lead the country during this critical moment, the head of the state has chosen to disregard science despite the recommendations of international health agencies and health authorities of his own cabinet, threatening the lives of millions of Brazilians and undermining joint efforts around the world to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bolsonaro has demonstrated his lack of commitment to preserving the life of the Brazilian population after every of his pronouncements. Therefore, he has also tried to discredit the measures taken by state and municipal governments that seek to address this unprecedented crisis in recent human history even without the leadership of the president. He affronts and attempts to destroy the most basic pillars of coexistence in society: respect and human solidarity.

President Jair Bolsonaro's stance in face of the Covid-19 pandemic is inconsequential and unacceptable. His nationwide address on the evening of March 24 clearly testifies to his incompatibility with the position he holds. It devoid elementary humanity principles, empathy, and is unable to foster cooperation and promote the well-being of his fellow citizens.

In addition to ignoring his absurd recommendations, we urge all sectors and democratic institutions of Brazilian society, particularly the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, the National Congress, the population and the entire international community to repudiate vehemently the irresponsible behavior of President Jair Bolsonaro, who instead of leading the country has chosen to walk down a path of ignorance and barbarism.

We demand the Ministry of Health, the National Congress and state and municipal governments to sustain the guidelines of social distancing, deploying the resources for precautionary measures to battle Covid-19 primarily in favor of the most vulnerable groups of our society in order to guarantee the survival of those who face the most nefarious effects of this crisis. Nothing is more important than the preservation of our lives at this moment, without any sort of distinction.

Despite the insanity and irresponsibility of the president, the only way to get through the current crisis with dignity and in respect of democracy is to unite all social and political actors committed to the collective well-being, the public interest and the non-negotiable values ​​of humanity and solidarity.

The organizations bellow subscribe:

  1. Ação Educativa

  2. ABI - Associação Brasileira de Imprensa

  3. Abong - Organizações em Defesa dos Direitos e Bens Comuns

  4. Acredito

  5. ACT - Promoção da Saúde

  6. Agenda Pública

  7. ARTIGO 19

  8. Associação da Parada do Orgulho LGBT+ de São Paulo

  9. Atados

  10. BrCidades

  11. Casa Fluminense

  12. CEDAPS - Centro de Promoção da Saúde

  13. CENPEC Educação

  14. Cidade Escola Aprendiz

  15. Coletivo Imargem

  16. Conectas Direitos Humanos

  17. Delibera Brasil

  18. Departamento Jurídico XI de Agosto

  19. Engajamundo

  20. Escola de Ativismo

  21. Frente Favela Brasil

  22. Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária

  23. Fundação Avina

  24. Fundação Tide Setubal

  25. Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra

  26. Gestos - Soropositividade, Comunicação e Gênero

  27. Goianas na Urna

  28. Greenpeace Brasil

  29. Grupo de Trabalho da Sociedade Civil para Agenda 2030

  30. Habitat para a Humanidade Brasil

  31. Ibase - Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas

  32. Instituto Alana

  33. Instituto Braudel

  34. IDDD - Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa

  35. IDS - Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade

  36. INESC - Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos

  37. Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social

  38. Instituto IDhES

  39. Instituto Nossa Ilhéus

  40. Instituto Physis - Cultura & Ambiente

  41. Instituto Polis

  42. ISA - Instituto Socioambiental

  43. Instituto Update

  44. Instituto Vladimir Herzog

  45. Judeus pela Democracia

  46. Labhacker

  47. Move Social

  48. Movimento Boa Praça

  49. MMDA - Movimento Mineiro pelos Direitos Animais

  50. Movimento Nossa BH

  51. Pacto Organizações Regenerativas

  52. Peabiru

  53. Política Viva

  54. ponteAponte

  55. Programa Cidades Sustentáveis

  56. Projeto Saúde e Alegria

  57. ONDAS - Observatório Nacional dos Direitos à Água e ao Saneamento

  58. Ocupa Política

  59. Oxfam Brasil

  60. Rede Brasileira de Renda Básica

  61. Rede Conhecimento Social

  62. Rede Justiça Criminal

  63. Rede Nacional de Pessoas Vivendo com HIV e AIDS

  64. Rede Nossa São Paulo

  65. Repórteres Sem Fronteiras

  66. Tapera Taperá

  67. Think Olga

  68. Transparência Brasil

  69. Transparência Capixaba

  70. UNE - União Nacional dos Estudantes

  71. Virada Política

  72. Vote Nelas

  73. 342 Artes